Alternative Transportation
Automobiles are not the only (or always the best way) to get where you are going on campus. There are a variety of options available to access campus.
Baylor University Shuttle (BUS): The Baylor University Shuttle operates on class days from 7:25 AM until 5:25 PM. The shuttle focuses on quick connections to campus. Both the Green and Gold Routes are express services from the Ferrell Parking area to campus.
Bicycles: Campus bicycle registration is required. Bicycles are required to follow the rules of the road (like a car). This includes, stopping at stop signs/red lights, yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, displaying proper illumination, and riding with the traffic flow. Bicycles on campus must be secured to a bicycle rack.
Motorized Scooters: These popular devices come in numerous shapes and sizes. Motorized Scooters are NOT allowed in any campus buildings. NO outdoor charging options are currently provided. These should be parked at bicycle racks and not near the entry exit pathways of buildings.
Mopeds: Campus has dedicated parking areas for mopeds. Mopeds are required to have a parking permit (a physical sticker) to park on campus. Mopeds are required to follow the rules of the road (like a car). This includes, stopping at stop signs/red lights, yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, displaying proper illumination, and riding with the traffic flow.
Motorcycles: Motorcycles are managed much like automobiles on campus with additional access to some specialized smaller parking areas. Motorcycles are required to have a parking permit (a physical sticker) to park on campus.
Skateboards/Longboards/Rollerblades: Skateboards or longboards are not to be ridden on the sidewalks, in parking garages, or on ramps of any buildings or facilities. Rollerblades are not permitted inside any campus building or facility.
Walking: An effective ancient form of transport sometimes overlooked in the modern age. No Permit required.