Crime Free Multi-Housing
The Crime Free Multi-Housing program is designed to build a partnership between police and managers of rental properties that will enhance the ability to reduce crime, drugs, and other criminal activity on the property. For additional information about the program please use the link to Waco Crime Free Housing
The Crime Free Multi-Housing program approaches crime on many fronts. The police cannot solve crime problems alone. Neither can the management or residents of rental properties. But by working together, the end result has been the most successful approach to crimes in rental communities.
To become certified rental properties must initially complete the three-phase program. After initial certification the property must maintain all program standards, including on-going inspections to ensure program compliance.
PHASE I (MANAGEMENT TRAINING SEMINAR) The Seminar is designed for the owner and key property employees such as managers, leasing agents and maintenance supervisors.
The seminar focuses on two facts:
- How effective property management can have a major impact on the health of a community and the quality of life.
- There are accessible and legitimate techniques that can be used to stop the spread of drugs and illegal activity on rental property.
PHASE II of the program requires the landlord to meet the minimum-security requirements of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D.):
- Exterior doors to rental units are solid core or metal
- Single cylinder metal dead bolts with a 3-inch throw on all exterior doors
- Strike plates with 3-inch screws (where construction permits)
- Eye viewers in all front doors
- Adequate and uniform security lighting
- Proper trimming of bushes/trees
- Anti-lift/slide devices on sliding windows and doors (exception may be taken with second floor units where no outside access is reasonably possible)
- Buildings clearly identified by address numbers that are a minimum of 4 inches high and well lighted at night.
- The exterior and interior of all units are in compliance with applicable state, and local laws and ordinances.
PHASE III of the Crime Free Program involves property management hosting a Safety Social event for their residents. The police department trains the residents to be the eyes and ears for the apartment community by using proven Neighborhood Watch concepts. The police will also encourage residents to take responsibility for their own cars and rental units.
For more information, contact: BUPD Crime Prevention Specialist Scott Curry (254) 710-4254.