CSA Incident Report
CSA Incident Report
The purpose of THE CLERY ACT is to encourage accurate and timely reporting of campus crime statistics. The goal of the Clery Act is to provide information to the campus community to promote crime awareness and to enhance campus safety through providing reliable statistical records. This report form provides a uniform method to document reportable crimes and/or non-criminal hate motivated incidents that have occurred on and around Baylor Clery reportable geography, which have been reported to a Campus Security Authority (CSA) other than the Baylor Police Department. CSA's are defined as someone who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.
The information collected is not intended to be used to identify the victim, but rather to meet CLERY ACT requirements and to be used to increase public safety.
It is the policy of Baylor University to encourage victims and/or witnesses of crime(s), who do not wish to remain anonymous to report such crimes to the police and/or to a designated Campus Security Authority.
For CLERY purposes, Baylor affiliation of the involved parties is not a relevant fact as to whether or not this report form is to be completed. If a violation of a Clery crime occurs, documentation is required.
CLERY documentation is not satisfied by simply directing/referring the reporting party to the police department. In order for the University to satisfy the statistical reporting requirements of the Clery Act, all CSA's are required to complete this form when offenses are reported to them.