Campus Crime & Fire Log
The purpose of the Daily Crime and Fire Log is to record all criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents and fire incidents that are reported to the Baylor University Police Department (BUPD) or received by Baylor University Police Department from an outside source. The Daily Crime and Fire Log lists crimes, alleged crimes and fire incidents that occur on campus, areas immediately adjacent to campus, as well as off-campus Baylor properties that support Baylor's educational mission, such as Baylor Graduate Social Work and the BRIC. Any incidents occurring at the Baylor Louise Herrington School of Nursing are documented on the last page of the Log. The Log provides crime and fire information on a timelier basis than the annual statistical disclosures. A list of 60 days of activity is available online or in the lobby of BUPD, (1521 S Fourth Street, Waco, Texas 76706). Data older than sixty days is available by making a request in person at the BUPD or by emailing the request form. It may take up to two days to provide access to older data.
There are numerous sources for the data in the Log: Incidents reported directly to BUPD; data from the Waco Police Department (Waco PD) Daily Crime Log, Campus Security Authority (CSA) reports from the Title IX Office, Student Misconduct Office or other Clery Act designated CSA. The Baylor Daily Crime and Fire Log will contain less information from incidents from the Waco PD Daily Crime Log. Data received from the Title IX Office, Student Misconduct Office and reports received from Baylor CSAs will also have less detail. The Daily Log entries generated from the Waco PD Daily Crime Log include the date of the report, but not the date range of the incident. Entries generated from the Title IX Office, Student Misconduct Office and Baylor CSAs will have the date of the report and may or may not have the incident date.
Crimes may be temporarily withheld from the Daily Log under the following circumstances:
- The disclosure will jeopardize the confidentiality and safety of a victim or the integrity of an ongoing investigation
- The disclosure may cause a suspect to flee or evade
- The disclosure may result in the destruction of evidence
The information required to be listed on the Daily Log includes:
- Date/Time the crime or fire was reported
- Date/Time Frame the crime or fire occurred. (When a crime is reported and the time of the incident is not known, the time will appear on the log as 12:00. This is a function of our software system.)
- General location of the crime or fire
- Nature of the crime
- Disposition of the case
Case Dispositions Defined:
- Active/Open - The case is not cleared and the investigation is on going
- Cleared by Arrest - The individual or individuals involved in the case were arrested for the alleged offense.
- Closed - The case has been investigated and is closed.
- Exceptionally Cleared - elements beyond law enforcement control precludes filing formal charges: death of offender, victim unable to assist after offender is identified, offender arrested and prosecuted in a different jurisdiction.
- Referred to Other Agency - The case has been referred to another agency for any further action.
- Suspended - The case is not being actively investigated due to a lack of leads but may revert to active upon the development of additional information.
- Being Handled by Title IX Office - The incident was reported to the Title IX Office but has not been reported to the Police Department.
- Unfounded - A determination is made through the investigation that a reported criminal offense or attempted offense was not committed. The report was false or baseless in fact.
- Warrant issued - The case has been investigated and a warrant was issued for involved parties.
- Warrant served - The warrant was served on the involved parties.
- Being Handled by Waco Police Department - The case is being handled by Waco Police Department.
All case dispositions are regularly updated. If you are following a case, please note the status change in the original case entry.