Resources (Weather Station and Lightning Alerts & Timers)
Weather Resources at Baylor University
Baylor University has several weather related resources through its partnership with Earth Networks.
Weather Station
The University's weather station is located at the Mayborn Museum. The on-campus professional-grade, commercial weather station provides current weather conditions (temperature, wind speed, wet bulb globe temperature, etc.), radar, daily/hourly forecasts and display any current alerts.
Weather Station at Baylor University
Lightning Alerts & Timers
Lightning Alerts
In partnership with BUDPS, Baylor Athletics, and Campus Recreation, the University installed an Earth Network automated outdoor alerting system for lightning covering various outdoor recreational and athletic locations. The lightning alerting system consist of a lightning detector, audible tone, and flashing strobe to alert individuals of lightning threats within an 8 mile radius.
Lightning detection and alerting devices are present in 5* locations. (Note, although 5 locations are listed, each lightning alert device covers adjacent spaces. The audible tone has a range of approximately a quarter of a mile).
- Simpson Athletics and Academic Center
- Baylor Ballpark
- Baylor Science Building (BSB) Campus Recreation Fields
- Campus Recreation Fields at the Jim and Nell Hawkins Indoor Tennis Center
- Billy W. Williams Golf Practice Facility and Clubhouse
The lightning alert device will activate when a lightning strike is detected within an 8 mile radius. Refer to the guide below for additional information.
SAMPLE: Earth Networks Lightning Alert System at Baylor (LIGHTNING DETECTED, One long 15-second tone).
SAMPLE: Earth Networks Lightning Alert System at Baylor (ALL CLEAR, Three 5-second tones).
The lightning timers are designed to activate when a lightning strike is detected within an 8 mile radius. Once activated, a 30 minute timer is displayed. If lightning hits again during the 30 minute wait time, the timer automatically resets to 30 minutes. Individuals that may be outside when a timer is activated should take necessary safety measures such as taking shelter indoors.
Click on the location closest to you: